Archive for the All Category

VIDEO: Giving thanks to the Bay

We farm oysters in the very water where the Mayflower arrived four hundred years ago. We live on the land cultivated by generations of farmers and foragers that came before us. We feel the same seasonal cues deep in our bones, reminding us each fall that it’s

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High Season in the Oyster Hatchery!

Generally, the winter is a quieter time for oyster farmers. The bay is emptied of its moorings, boats and oyster plexes. The shoreline is tucked in with a blanket of frost. It’s a time for tinkering, repairing, power washing, and reorganizing. Beneath this sleepy facade, however, brews a squall of

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All About: Marshallberg Caviar

Let’s get real – Caviar is awesome but also intimidating. Like choosing a bottle of wine from an extensive list, the choices are confusing and the often-steep price tag can mean that the stakes are HIGH. Add to that a history of smuggling, overfishing, and environmental degradation

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Moon Shoal Oysters Spotlight!

Agriculture and fishing date back to Barnstable’s founding in 1639. Fast forward 379 years and history is still being made, one delicious oyster at a time, thanks to Jon Martin and his dedicated crew at Moon Shoal Oysters. Jon and his team live their lives on their

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Pro-Tips from the Road

I never expected a meeting with a chef to depend on the availability of a flat-head screwdriver. Yet, there I was in a glimmering jewel-box of a dining room in downtown Miami, rolling up my sleeves and asking the GM for a screwdriver, my palm outstretched like

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36 Hours In The Life Of An Oyster Girl

I’ve never thought of myself as being a particularly talented person. Now, you shouldn’t feel too badly for me. I don’t feel slighted in life. Despite my lack of superior athleticism and the fact that I likely won’t ever win a grand Prize- Pulitzer, Nobel or otherwise–

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An Oysterman’s Supplemental Income

I drag an eight afoot tin skiff to the waterline two hours before low tide. I load the skiff with the tools of my trade: a black fish tote, a five gallon bucket, a smaller bucket with the bottom cut out, mesh shellfish bags, and a few

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